PJ Funny Bunny – A Traditional Portrait
This is PJ Funny Bunny. His owner told me he arrived at that name because of his ears. I see this horse all the time because he is boarded at the same place our Thea is. Marti is the owner, and her husband, Anthony asked me to do this portrait for her as a surprise. What took the longest on this oil painting was the detail in the background and the wire gate. I thoroughly enjoyed painting every inch of this (it is an 18×24), as rust is on of my favorite textures. When Anthony showed me the photo he wanted me to use as reference, I was struck by the contrast in PJ’s smooth skin and the rough wood and rusty metal, not to mention the wonderful color and temperature contrasts. I could not WAIT to start this one!
He has been picked up from the studio now, and they were both very happy. I had to tell them that one day I was at the barn just standing in front of PJ’s stall staring at his face – making mental notes about his nose and eyes. He kept looking back at me (it was feeding time and he was looking for dinner), finally he pinned his ears at me as if to say, “You’re really crowding me and getting on my nerves. Quit staring at me!”

PJ Portrait in Oil