Hope is always looking toward the light, even when it seems the world is dark. Hope has wings. Deep in the background of this painting are two scraps of psalms that I took from a Book of Praise hymnal from the 1940s; you can barely see the music notes on the top right and bottom left. But it is important that you know they are there.
“Now faith is being sure we will get what we hope for. It is being sure of what we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 NLV
This painting was something I painted in March – when everything first shut down because of COVID 19. I was still able to go into the studio, which was so fortunate, but it was an odd feeling because it was so, so quiet, every day, all day.
As I was painting this, I knew it was not for me.
So yesterday, a couple came into the studio (Lowe Mill has opened again with limited number of guests at any time), and the woman was drawn to this painting. It moved her. I knew she was the person I had painted it for (sometimes it’s just like that), so I told her about it and she looked at her husband with such hope in her eyes…we are all wearing masks, so all I could see were her eyes…I wrapped the painting up for them and they told me this was the first painting they had ever bought because it meant something to them.
Hope is a beautiful thing.