Downtown Discoveries

This week I took my discovery trip downtown. I drive through the downtown area on my way home from the studio at least once a week, just because. So this week I had an errand to run on Monday and decided it was a lovely day to see what I new sights I could discover.
I am happy to say I took many photos (thanks to a sunny day), but I’ll limit today’s photos to the ART discoveries I enjoyed. Some of the art I found not exactly out in the open. The mural in Washington Park is one of them. This is in the alley behind Humphries, actually, on a wall that faces the little courtyard there.

Walking through that alley an turning left at the end brings you to an open area and on the wall is one of Drop Metal sculptures. Right under this are two cool benches. I am proud that my studio 127 sign was made by Drop Metal! It is very special to me because of that. I want to got to MELT because Micah of Drop Metal created a lot of the work in there.

As I wandered up the street, I found another mural tucked away. This is next to the old Federal Building and Post Office. I love the old building next to the new mural.

I also love this sculpture outside The Avenue. This is on Jefferson Street. I took a ton of photos of textures I found, but I’ll save that for another post. And I know there are many more sculptures and murals (like the colorful fish pained by Dustin Timbrook next to Big Spring Park) that I have left out. These are just what I found within a few blocks of the courthouse. A good excuse for me to venture out again!